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5.0 based on 14 reviews

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    Using the Powa Sensors + App for my Amateur Boxing Training

    This is a key tool in my training. My work output and pace is critical from a competitive stand point. I have to track it, and the Powa boxing app let's me see exactly what I need to keep pushing it.

    - Luke Foster

  • Star badge

    Great Personal Training tool

    As a personal trainer, the POWA Punch Sensors have become a key tool for keeping my clients engaged. One of the biggest challenges in boxing training has always been to keep clients engaged over the long run.

    The powa app has been really helpful because the sensors track the speed and acceleration of every punch, and i can motivate my clients to maintain their punch quality late into the rounds.

    With all the data in the powa app I can easily show my clients exactly how they are doing. And we can keep setting goals for them to stay engaged and keep improving.

  • Star badge

    Love it

    I love my Powa Punch Sensors every workout now! Easy to set up, intuitive to use and incredibly versatile and portable. I just throw them in my bag and use them when I'm hitting the heavy bag or when I'm shadow boxing.

    Having a way to track and measure progress is important for every sport and boxing is no exception. I think every level of boxer from beginner to pro could benefit from these!

  • Star badge

    Great tool for accountability

    POWA Boxing Punch sensors help me stay accountable and they keep me motivated, especially when I am training without my coach. I know exactly how many jabs and power punches I threw. I have insights to how long my workout was and the quality of it based on the 5-star scoring system. I can compare my workout against previous days to see if my endurance is going and if I am throwing more quality punches in the same amount of time.

    I also noticed that I am able to push myself more when I can see my stats in-front of me. If I see I am only throwing two star punches through the first half of my workout it motivates me to aim for three, four and even five star punches to finish off.

  • Star badge

    Excellent Gift

    I received the Powa Punch Sensors from my coach at Beyond Boxing as a gift couple months ago. I have not stopped using these sensors since; they’re so convenient and amazing to use.

    The Powa sensors pushes you to the next level, doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or a professional boxer you’re gonna have a great workout.

    I have 4 different pairs of gloves I use for different workouts and it’s so convenient to change the sensors from one glove to the next, literally takes 1 second. I use the Powa sensors 3 to 4 days a week, the battery life and quality have been great so far. I barely charge them on a weekly basis. Sometimes once every second week.

    The app has all the right stuff for you to see, this includes all your stats and output. Overall a great product for you to excel to the next level definitely would recommend.